Call for Abstracts – 9th Annual Congress – 22/04/2023
9th Annual Congress of the BSSD – April 22nd 2023
Submit your abstract and help us to change the world, one swallow at a time!
Dear colleague,
We are proud to announce our 9th Annual Congress on April 22nd, 2023. The main aim of this conference is exchanging knowledge, experience and new insights in swallowing & dysphagia. We hope to welcome you! Knowledge and experience are key for advancing our science. The BSSD is convinced that Belgium counts a high number of students, clinicians and researchers who can make a valuable contribution to the BSSD conference. We therefore would like to invite you to share your research with the audience at the 9th BSSD conference. Please, don’t hesitate and submit your abstract!
The BSSD-board
Instructions for free papers – 9th BSSD Meeting
To stimulate the exchange of both fundamental and clinical research in every field of the study of normal deglutition and its disorders.
- The submitters can be of any nationality but should present an original and personal study subject.
- Abstracts should be submitted in electronic format to the BSSD using the email below.
- Oral presentations must be in English.
- The maximum duration of oral presentations is 10 minutes with 5 minutes for discussion.
- The jury is comprised of the board of the BSSD.
- The main criteria judged are the scientific merit of the presentation and the quality of the presentation.
Abstract instructions:
- Abstracts should be submitted in English.
- Abstracts should contain sufficient information; statements such as ‘findings and results will be discussed at the meeting’ are not acceptable and may lead to rejection.
- The length of the title is limited to 200 characters.
- Provide all authors names with affiliated institutions; underline the presenting author’s name; omit titles and degrees.
- The abstracts should respect the following organization and headings: Introduction and aims; Materials and methods; Results; Conclusions. For Case Reports: replace ‘Materials and methods’ and ‘Results’ by ‘Case Report’.
- A maximum of 1 table and/or 1 figure may be included.
- The abstract will contain a maximum of 300 words.
The deadline for abstract submission is March 15, 2023.
Submit your abstract via in**@bs**.be.
Abstracts submitted later than the date specified cannot qualify for consideration. Authors will be notified of decisions by the end of march.
Mail us @ in**@bs**.be