BSSD 5th Symposium – 07 December 2019
SAVE THE DATE : 07 December 2019.
In association with the “Brugmann Dysphagia Day” (December 6th 2019) !
Place: Reine Astrid Military Hospital ( Brussel).
Preliminary Program
8.00 Coffee & check-in
9.00 Welcom
9.10 Everything you ought to know about oral health and dysphagia (Barbara Janssens, UGent)
9.55 Everything you ought to know about the Test of Masticating and Swallowing Solids (Maggie-Lee Huckabee, University of Canterbury, New Zealand)
10.35 In addition: TOMASS in old-old people (Hanneke Kalf, Radboud University Hospital Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
10.50 Coffee break
11.20 Free paper session I
Comparing a fatigue-inducing paradigm on maximum isometric pressures and perceived effort of the tongue in healthy elderly versus Parkinson’s disease patients
Isabelle Raskin – Thomas More University College
IDDSI flow test characterization of commercially available breakfast shakes at different IDDSI levels and analysis of tongue strength used while swallowing
Marthe Haesen & Marthe Vandenbergh – Thomas More University College
11.50 Everything you ought to know about the velum (Prof. Aude Lagier, CHULiège)
12.20 Everything you ought to know about cough reflex testing in stroke (Maggie-Lee Huckabee, University of Canterbury, New Zealand)
13.05 Lunch
13.50 Everything you ought to know about the oesophagus (Prof. Hubert Louis)
14.35 Free paper session II
Is there a real effectiveness in introducing a non-instrumental bed-side screen in stroke units? Gan-el Eyal – Erasmus Hospital
Utensils for safe drinking: raising awareness for nursing staff during mealtimes of hospitalized elderly people
Louise Ghys – Artevelde University College
The Mendelsohn manoeuvre reviewed. Descriptive research on the use of the Mendelsohn manoeuvre in deglutologists’ general practice.
Katrien De Brouwer – Artevelde University College
15.20 IDDSI – a very quick update (Jan Vanderwegen & Hanneke Kalf)
15.35 Coffee Break
16.05 Skill an strength training using visual feedback in patients with dysphagia. Live Demo (Maggie-Lee Huckabee, University of Canterbury, New Zealand)
17.20 Closing ceremony
Bookings are closed for this event.