BSSD 5th Symposium – 07 December 2019


All Day


Bookings closed


Reine Astrid Military Hospital
Bruynstraat 1, Neder-Over-Heembeek, 1120

Event Type

SAVE THE DATE : 07 December 2019.

In association with the “Brugmann Dysphagia Day” (December 6th 2019) !

Place: Reine Astrid Military Hospital ( Brussel).


Preliminary Program

8.00 Coffee & check-in

9.00 Welcom

9.10 Everything you ought to know about oral health and dysphagia (Barbara Janssens, UGent)

9.55 Everything you ought to know about the Test of Masticating and Swallowing Solids (Maggie-Lee Huckabee, University of Canterbury, New Zealand)

10.35 In addition: TOMASS in old-old people (Hanneke Kalf, Radboud University Hospital Nijmegen, The Netherlands)

10.50 Coffee break

11.20 Free paper session I

Comparing a fatigue-inducing paradigm on maximum isometric pressures and perceived effort of the tongue in healthy elderly versus Parkinson’s disease patients
Isabelle Raskin – Thomas More University College

IDDSI flow test characterization of commercially available breakfast shakes at different IDDSI levels and analysis of tongue strength used while swallowing
Marthe Haesen & Marthe Vandenbergh – Thomas More University College

11.50 Everything you ought to know about the velum (Prof. Aude Lagier, CHULiège)

12.20 Everything you ought to know about cough reflex testing in stroke (Maggie-Lee Huckabee, University of Canterbury, New Zealand)

13.05 Lunch

13.50 Everything you ought to know about the oesophagus (Prof. Hubert Louis)

14.35 Free paper session II

Is there a real effectiveness in introducing a non-instrumental bed-side screen in stroke units? Gan-el Eyal – Erasmus Hospital

Utensils for safe drinking: raising awareness for nursing staff during mealtimes of hospitalized elderly people
Louise GhysArtevelde University College

The Mendelsohn manoeuvre reviewed. Descriptive research on the use of the Mendelsohn manoeuvre in deglutologists’ general practice.
Katrien De Brouwer – Artevelde University College

15.20  IDDSI – a very quick update (Jan Vanderwegen & Hanneke Kalf)

15.35 Coffee Break

16.05 Skill an strength training using visual feedback in patients with dysphagia. Live Demo (Maggie-Lee Huckabee, University of Canterbury, New Zealand)

17.20 Closing ceremony




Bookings are closed for this event.